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2. To Cure Impotence
Ingredients:Pare 500 grams, 250 grams of green mussel was in the peel, 100 grams of green chili, red chili pepper 100 grams, 150 grams of tomatoes, six pieces of red onion, 3 cloves garlic, 3 slices of ginger, turmeric, 3 slices, 3 slices of galangal, 2 bay leaves, 1 lemon grass, salt and sugar to taste, cooking oil to taste.
How to treat:Once washed, cored and cut or pare coarse-chopped coarse. Slice the red peppers, green chilies in the form menyerong. Sliced tomato. Tumislah all ingredients until half-wilted, put tomatoes, bitter melon, green mussel, iron, salt and sugar to taste. Stir until evenly until half cooked and then lift and ready to eat.The recipes above are traditionally prepared from natural ingredients that have virtually no side effects. Well, good luck!
3. Strengthening penis
Traditional Recipes For Passion Male virility
Actually easy to maintain male sexual health in particular, as well as body in general.
Healthy lifestyle, foods with balanced nutrition with low levels of cholesterol, vegetables, fruit and milk, will keep your body remains on the best condition. But the key to your sexual health is guaranteed circulation of blood to your penis and testicles.

People who experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction or impotence, the cause is due to disturbed blood circulation to the penis. Similarly, for a man who was barren, it is also caused by blood circulation in the testicles are also disturbed or even halted, so that sperm production in unhealthy or disturbed.
In addition to lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet, you can use traditional ingredients to maintain the health of your sexuality. Some of the recipes below tradisonaldi widely used among Arab men and also a few recipes from other parts of the world, which is known to enhance male sexual performance. Made from natural ingredients and everything is focused on ensuring a smooth blood circulation in your body.
Honey and Black CarawaySoften 3 tablespoons cumin and mix it into one liter of honey. Kocoklah every time you will drink it because of cumin powder does not dissolve in liquid honey. Drink as much as two tablespoons of this mixture every day.
Mixed Milk, honey, eggs, Ginger (STMJ) plus Black CarawayYou can affix a mixture of honey and black cumin on top of a glass of warm milk dltambah the egg yolk and a little ginger powder. Stir until evenly distributed and have a drink in a warm state.
Ma'junMa'jun is a herb that contains a variety of natural ingredients like honey, cumin, cardamom, sesame seeds, ginger, etc.. The form of black liquid seems very thick and sometimes shaped like dodol / porridge. Can be obtained in herbalist shops.
Mixed Milk, honey, eggs, Ginger (STMJ) from IndiaMixture was the same as generally STMJ, just before the first mixed with boiled milk and insert into it a penis male goat / sheep. After boiling for a few minutes pour in the milk (without the goat penis) and mixed with honey, egg yolk and ginger powder to taste. Penis male goats / sheep that has been boiled can be used repeatedly for the next.
In addition you can also use some herbs native to Indonesia to boost your sexual desire. Do not often mengguaka Viagra, the drug effect is very unusual but the result is also remarkable. How many lives had been stretched because of the Viagra / strong drugs? If there is sexual harassment or other health problems in your body, use herbs!
Some traditional recipes below is useful to increase male virility:
1. strong Sexual Power
Healthy lifestyle, foods with balanced nutrition with low levels of cholesterol, vegetables, fruit and milk, will keep your body remains on the best condition. But the key to your sexual health is guaranteed circulation of blood to your penis and testicles.

People who experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction or impotence, the cause is due to disturbed blood circulation to the penis. Similarly, for a man who was barren, it is also caused by blood circulation in the testicles are also disturbed or even halted, so that sperm production in unhealthy or disturbed.
In addition to lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet, you can use traditional ingredients to maintain the health of your sexuality. Some of the recipes below tradisonaldi widely used among Arab men and also a few recipes from other parts of the world, which is known to enhance male sexual performance. Made from natural ingredients and everything is focused on ensuring a smooth blood circulation in your body.
Honey and Black CarawaySoften 3 tablespoons cumin and mix it into one liter of honey. Kocoklah every time you will drink it because of cumin powder does not dissolve in liquid honey. Drink as much as two tablespoons of this mixture every day.
Mixed Milk, honey, eggs, Ginger (STMJ) plus Black CarawayYou can affix a mixture of honey and black cumin on top of a glass of warm milk dltambah the egg yolk and a little ginger powder. Stir until evenly distributed and have a drink in a warm state.
Ma'junMa'jun is a herb that contains a variety of natural ingredients like honey, cumin, cardamom, sesame seeds, ginger, etc.. The form of black liquid seems very thick and sometimes shaped like dodol / porridge. Can be obtained in herbalist shops.
Mixed Milk, honey, eggs, Ginger (STMJ) from IndiaMixture was the same as generally STMJ, just before the first mixed with boiled milk and insert into it a penis male goat / sheep. After boiling for a few minutes pour in the milk (without the goat penis) and mixed with honey, egg yolk and ginger powder to taste. Penis male goats / sheep that has been boiled can be used repeatedly for the next.
In addition you can also use some herbs native to Indonesia to boost your sexual desire. Do not often mengguaka Viagra, the drug effect is very unusual but the result is also remarkable. How many lives had been stretched because of the Viagra / strong drugs? If there is sexual harassment or other health problems in your body, use herbs!
Some traditional recipes below is useful to increase male virility:
1. strong Sexual Power
Ingredients:2 kaffir lime fruits25 grains of black pepperSalt tip of a nail
How to make:Citrus blackmailed and taken the water. Pepper or ground black pepper until smooth. These three ingredients (lemon, pepper, salt) and stir until evenly mixed. Then drink it down with all the waste.
Drinking rules:
Drunk every day morning noon and night for a month then you will recover masculinity. If you have recovered enough to drink only once every week. So you'll always wake up masculinity.
How to make:Citrus blackmailed and taken the water. Pepper or ground black pepper until smooth. These three ingredients (lemon, pepper, salt) and stir until evenly mixed. Then drink it down with all the waste.
Drinking rules:
Drunk every day morning noon and night for a month then you will recover masculinity. If you have recovered enough to drink only once every week. So you'll always wake up masculinity.
2. To Cure Impotence
Ingredients:Pare 500 grams, 250 grams of green mussel was in the peel, 100 grams of green chili, red chili pepper 100 grams, 150 grams of tomatoes, six pieces of red onion, 3 cloves garlic, 3 slices of ginger, turmeric, 3 slices, 3 slices of galangal, 2 bay leaves, 1 lemon grass, salt and sugar to taste, cooking oil to taste.
How to treat:Once washed, cored and cut or pare coarse-chopped coarse. Slice the red peppers, green chilies in the form menyerong. Sliced tomato. Tumislah all ingredients until half-wilted, put tomatoes, bitter melon, green mussel, iron, salt and sugar to taste. Stir until evenly until half cooked and then lift and ready to eat.The recipes above are traditionally prepared from natural ingredients that have virtually no side effects. Well, good luck!
3. Strengthening penis
Take a leaf distance and lemon leaves, and then mashed until smooth. After that in-borehkan to the penis during the half hour. Do it every day when I woke up from sleep.If you make this recipe regularly for one month, then make your penis will be more upright, sturdy and strong.
4. Harden penis
4. Harden penis
Before having sex, apply oil on the shaft of the penis struck while sorted-sequence on the penile shaft. After a few moments to let lubricated oil is absorbed and penetrate the shaft of the penis blood circulation. After it was cleaned with warm water.
5. Penis Enlarge
5. Penis Enlarge
Ingredients:1 tablespoon fennel pulosariTwo tails of protected or wild eels (not raised)4-5 parasites fir shoots (many terdapatdisisi fir stems).
How to treat:Eels cut between the body and head, and taken his head. Bake both kepaa eels are on the fire to burn and become charcoal. Then crushed up into a fine powder. Pulosari fennel and pine shoot parasite pounded into one, then filtered and take the juice alone, approximately a quarter cup.
Combine these ingredients with a powdered head as much as half a teaspoon of eels. Time eel's head the other powder can be used for the next day. Furthermore, stir until smooth, then mix the stale saliva (salivary taken out of bed in the morning) stirring the flat, use these ingredients to massage the penis.
Mengurutnya way from the top (shoot) penis, massaging direction decreases. Old sequencing approximately 10 minutes, the above ingredients for a disposable. Next morning make a new concoction. Do it this way until a full month, usually the results are already visible and satisfactory, the penis will be bigger and stronger.
How to treat:Eels cut between the body and head, and taken his head. Bake both kepaa eels are on the fire to burn and become charcoal. Then crushed up into a fine powder. Pulosari fennel and pine shoot parasite pounded into one, then filtered and take the juice alone, approximately a quarter cup.
Combine these ingredients with a powdered head as much as half a teaspoon of eels. Time eel's head the other powder can be used for the next day. Furthermore, stir until smooth, then mix the stale saliva (salivary taken out of bed in the morning) stirring the flat, use these ingredients to massage the penis.
Mengurutnya way from the top (shoot) penis, massaging direction decreases. Old sequencing approximately 10 minutes, the above ingredients for a disposable. Next morning make a new concoction. Do it this way until a full month, usually the results are already visible and satisfactory, the penis will be bigger and stronger.
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