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Widget By: [Mboyz]

Tips On How To Realize Your Dreams

What I think a lot of people assume is that when you want to “realize your dreams” you have to completely turn your life on it’s head, quit everything you do (job, family, kids) and move in to a one bedroom apartment with a desk and a computer being the only furniture other than a lounge to sleep on…… or at least it feels like that.

But exactly what is your dream about, fact or fantasy. So lets look at the points to consider:

1. How long you will need to try and realize your dreams

2. The amount of lost wages during that time vs quitting for the pursuit

3. The cost of living during that time

4. The cost of starting for your online presence

If it doesn’t turn out to be a huge loss for you then it may just be easier than you first thought. For example, say you have long-service due and need a few months to see if your idea will work or not, how much could that possibly cost? A few thousand dollars? $10k at the most? Put it this way, what are you prepared to do in order to realize your dreams?

Have you ever sat down and thought of it this way… of course I have you say, “it’s just that I have my mortgage and Timmy has piano lessons that are expensive and Margie wants to take that trip in October and…” psst..WRONG!

Self Doubt Wont Let You Realize Your Dreams

Self-doubt can lock you up in the same spot for years and lead to complete inactivity almost without you knowing at times. Believe me I know from experience. What happens is that you consciously want to complete or execute a task, say “Get in Shape” or “Start a new Business”, but the self-doubt you have is harbored down in your sub-conscious, keeping your legs from going anywhere. So all your day ends up looking like is:

* I want to start my own business…

* Oh it will never work, I don’t know what it takes

* I could just check out the library and read up on it

* Yea right, and then what, blow through all your savings and be poor?

* My parents might lend me money

* Great and then you’ll be in debt your whole life, idiot

* I guess I should just hope for that promotion at work…

* Good, that sounds safe

And next thing you know, it’s been 5 years, you are fatter than ever and the process you need to try and realize your dreams has gathered dust. Believe me again when I say….ahh let’s not go there. So you have nothing to show for your time either at your company (somebody else got the promotion, or it was a hell of a lot less interesting than you thought) and a nightmare has replaced the dream. You are completely frozen in place and don’t know why… it’s this elusive “locked up” feeling, like a engine freezing up on you with no oil… that my friend is what chronic self-doubt feels like.

Take Action If You Want To Realize Your Dreams

What I’m getting at is you need to oil the gears and unlock the chain get on your bike again and move yourself to action… any action, just some action. Even if that means “forget about starting your business, just check a damn business book out from the library”. Turn every insurmountable task into micro-tasks, things that are easy to complete, until you turn around 5 years down the road and… holy hell… you actually ended up starting your own business without realizing it because you completed so many micro-tasks, there was just a natural progression between Point A (complete lockup) and Point B (beginning to realize your dreams).

I can’t impress this upon you enough, so I’m going to call this out explicitly for anyone that just self-doubted themselves while reading this paragraph on self-doubt:

The only way to combat chronic self-doubt, is action, ANY action is better than non-action is it not?

Don’t read that last sentence and think “Yeah yeah, but I can’t start my own company tomorrow”. I didn’t write that, that’s your self-doubt kicking in and making this task seem impossible, even before you tried to do anything at all.

Just complete some micro-ass task related to what your eventual goal is… hell, buy a domain name, that’s like $7 at iPage. Then setup a blog with WordPress, and learn to use it. It’s free to install and use.… then a month later, join a team of mentors that are willing to help you at no cost. You’ll find free training like I offer in many many other places.

To Conclude

So there’s your call to action right there, right now. In fact you can start that training today and see just what it takes to take that first step. I promise you that after a week of my free training course, if not less, you will have all the tools you need to decide what your next move is going to be. See these are all completely easy-to-do micro-tasks that you cannot excuse yourself out of doing, but they are all forcing you to walk closer towards your goal. And it’s spread out over months, so in years you will most likely have your business and it will be a hell of a lot easier than you thought. You can begin to realize your dreams today

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